Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cell Phone Companies The Modern Monsters of Today Essay

The definition of a modern monster would be someone who preys on others while assuming a concealed identity while doing the act of one. It may not seem like everyone or everything be considered a monster, but people have their limits and guidelines where certain things like cell phone companies can be showed to people who they truly are in fact. Cell phone companies are the modern monsters in today’s society we live in. Cell phones are inadvertently controlling our lives every day with the way we communicate with one another socially. In the technology industry part of society, cell phone companies are the biggest modern monsters we deal with every day. Technology is a vast field of growing opportunities where people can strive to earn a†¦show more content†¦The evidence speaks for itself when compared to other companies all around the world. Some of the differences when United States compared to other countries, in the end the other might not stack up because of the infrastructure United States has currently. The companies do not pay attention to little details on how cell phones can affect social skills; â€Å"cell phone addiction may become more widespread as greater numbers of children are using cell phones† (Stewart). Even children are having access to devices that normally teens and adults normally use. When someone is depended on a device more than a person is, it can lead to dwindling social skills and dependency on gadgets to fill an emptiness inside them. Addictions and social problems are just two factors that can affect a person’s life overall. Phone addiction is similar to drugs or alcohol because the brain and body are trained to survive on the daily consumption, without it, the person seems lost and not able to do anything until getting the phone back. Companies, like the big phone ones, need to come up with a better way to support the consumer and then worry about the money, contracts, hidden up-front costs later. The plan is running so far, but if it was improved, a significant number of problems would be more efficient and these companies do not realize it because they want to minimize costs and maximize profits. Phones are not the modern monster; it is the companies and the policies theyShow MoreRelatedThe Four Negative Effects of Society by Alice Martin Essay933 Words   |  4 PagesTechnology: The Biggest, Baddest Monster Under the Bed As our innovative world is rapidly moving into the future, technology is being invented and innovated at every turn. This technology ranges from top-notch video game systems to microscopic robots made to perform internal surgery. 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