Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Population Growth Rate In India Essay - 1562 Words

The Population Growth Rate in India nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For many years concern has been voiced over the seemingly unchecked rate of population growth in India, but the most recent indications are that some success is being achieved in slowing the rate of population growth. The progress which has been achieved to date is still only of a modest nature and should not serve as premature cause for complacency. Moreover, a slowing of the rate of population growth is not incompatible with a dangerous population increase in a country like India which has so huge a population base to begin with. Nevertheless, the most recent signs do offer some occasion for adopting a certain degree of cautious optimism in regard to the problem.†¦show more content†¦Under conditions of severe impoverishment, attended as it has traditionally been by high childhood mortality rates, quot;it has estimated for India that in order to have a 95 per cent probability of raising a son to adulthood, the couple had to have at least six childr en.quot; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In general, direct efforts on the part of government to promote family planning have had only limited success in India. In large part this has been due to the factors which have traditionally operated in Indian culture and society to promote large families, of which more will be said later. Here, however, it might be noted that the most common family planning modes have proven difficult to implement under Indian conditions. Where government efforts are concerned, quot;for mass consumption only three methods are...advocated: sterilization (vasectomy for fathers and tubectomy for mothers), IUDs and condoms.quot; Sterilization has traditionally met with strong resistance among uneducated sectors of the population who associate it with loss of virility or feminimity, and, often being irrevocable, it has been a source of understandable concern in a society where couples who may already have several children risk losing some or all of them as a result of such facto rs as epidemics earthquakes or floods.Show MoreRelatedThe Population Growth Rate in India1566 Words   |  7 PagesThe Population Growth Rate in India For many years concern has been voiced over the seemingly unchecked rate of population growth in India, but the most recent indications are that some success is being achieved in slowing the rate of population growth. 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